Siemens star target
Siemens star target

siemens star target

The possible level of details for a chip are immense and is best simulated using some sort of assumptions. The Electronic Cooling Toolkit provide simplification for the simulation of chips.

  • Access to solution data through streamlines, isoosurfaces, and plane sections.
  • Visualization of geometry, scalar, and vector quantities.
  • Local mesh controls: cell size customization on surfaces and within volumetric zones.
  • Mesh Refinement: integrated features for mesh refinement to detect and capture complex geometries.
  • Cell size: automatic calculation of target and minimum cell size that is based on overall model size.
  • Prism Layers: prismatic cells on walls for boundary flow accuracy.
  • Volume Mesh: Trimmed cell mesher generates predominantly hexahedral cells.
  • Heat dissipation: volumetric heat sources.
  • Compact thermal models: resistor networks for chips.
  • Thermal specification: specification of material or specification of layers (PCB).
  • Environment: ambient boundary conditions.
  • Equation of state: constant density or ideal gas.
  • Flow regime: laminar or turbulent (Realizable K-Epsilon Two-Layer All Y+).
  • Heat transfer modes: conduction, convection (forced and buoyancy driven), and radiation (wavelength independent Surface-to-Surface (S2S) radiative heat transfer).
  • Solution domains: multi-domain (fluid and solid).
  • Transfer of CAD data from the Simcenter STAR-CCM+ CAD modeler.
  • Import of CAD models from other CAD packages.
  • Import of IDF (Intermediate Data Format) and ODB++ (Open Database) files.
  • Geometry generation that is based on simple shape templates.
  • The main features of the Electronics Cooling Toolset are: In the additional window that opens you have a customized tree with some additions specific to the electronic cooling toolkit. Once the symbol is in the toolbar you can click it to activate the specific GUI options. The toolkit is activated by clicking WindowàToolbarsàElectronics cooling or by dragging and dropping the electronic cooling symbol from the customize option. The Electronic Cooling Toolkit (E-cool) is a tool in Simcenter that does not require an additional license. The toolkit provides a simplified approach withing Simcenter STAR-CCM+ to perform simulations of thermal management for electronic devices. In this tool you are provided with the possibility of importing IDF (relating back to lasts week description of the IDF Import wizard) but also ODB++ (open database). While, last time was focused on the wizards, where you basically get help when facing a specific problem, this week we will look at the Electronics Cooling Toolset add-on. This week’s blogg post from Volupe will be a continuation of an earlier week’s introduction to wizards and add-ons in Simcenter Star-CCM+ ( ).

    Siemens star target